Innovation Inspiration

StEMI X 2023 was a packed symposium with incredible speakers and panelists! Revisit the sessions or watch for the first time below. And be sure to check out the Pitch ‘EM competition videos!

Dr. Jared Conley, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at Harvard Medical School & Associate Director of the Healthcare Transformation Lab, speaks to "The Digital Transformation of Emergency Medicine."

Drs. Fran Riley talks with Dr. Matt Lungren of Nuance, a Microsoft Company about the revolutionary power of AI in the Emergency Department.

Dr. Andrew Chu of Stanford Department of Emergency Medicine moderates a panel in innovating from within.

Dr. Andrew Chu of Stanford Emergency Medicine moderates a panel on "Doctor Driven Disruption: How Physician Entrepreneurs are Transforming Emergency Medicine.

Drs. Fran Riley and Gabrielle Bunney of Stanford Department of Emergency Medicine provide instruction on how to consult, partner, and innovate in healthcare. They are joined by Jennifer Joe, MD of AstraZeneca.

Sponsor Presentations